Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. How do I get support during the course?

    3. Invitation to Join Facebook Group

    4. Can I type out my notes?

    5. Course Orientation

    1. What are Core Beliefs?

    2. Pep Talk: Do the Worksheets!

    3. Core Beliefs: Origin Story

    4. Consequences of Core Beliefs

    5. Changing Core Beliefs

    6. Identifying Core Beliefs (Part 1)

    7. Identifying Core Beliefs (Part 2)

    8. Challenging Core Beliefs

    9. Self-Esteem and Core Beliefs

    10. Core-Beliefs and Burnout

    11. Concept Summary - Core Beliefs

    12. OPTIONAL BONUS - Core Beliefs Online Class Recording

    1. What is an Empath?

    2. The Empath Quiz

    3. Empaths and Burnout

    1. What are coping strategies?

    2. Coping Strategies: Origin Story

    3. Examples of Healthy and Unhealthy Coping

    4. Consequences of Unhealthy Coping

    5. Coping Skills and Burnout

    6. Training Session 1: Rainbow Breathing

    7. Training Session 2: Soft-Belly Breathing

    8. Training Session 3: Birthday Candles

    9. Training Session 4#: Journalling

    10. Concept Summary - Coping Skills

    11. OPTIONAL BONUS - Coping Skills Online Class Recording

    1. Defining Boundaries

    2. Why Boundaries Matter

    3. Setting Boundaries Effectively

    4. Boundaries with Loved Ones

    5. Circles of Influence

    6. Stronger Boundaries

    7. Boundaries vs. Walls

    8. Boundaries Sample Script

    9. Concept Summary - Boundaries

    10. OPTIONAL BONUS - Boundaries Online Class Recording

    1. Asking for Help Matters

    2. Challenges with Asking

    3. Core Beliefs and Asking for Help

    4. Delegate or Take Control?

    5. Burnout and Asking for Help

    6. Asking for Help Script

    7. Personal Blueprint - Part 1 - People Who Ask

    8. Personal Blueprint - Part 2 - What to Ask

    9. Personal Blueprint - Part 3 - Who to Ask

    10. Concept Summary - Asking for Help

    11. OPTIONAL BONUS - Asking for Help Online Class Recording

About this course

  • $797.00
  • 79 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Re-Set Your Life